Your Union is Only as Strong as You Make It.

Lend your skills to a union committee.

Store Organizing Committees

Store Organizing Committees (OC) are responsible for day-to-day organizing on the shop floor. They welcome new members into the union, solicit grievances, and plan direct action and organizing campaigns. Our goal is for at least 10% of members to participate in store OCs.


Join your store OC! Ask your shop steward or union rep!

Contract Action Team

Co-Chairs: Taylor Orendurff (ST), Pearl Shull (UP), Jimbo Heiner (SW)


The Contract Action Team (CAT) oversees store OCs in organizing for our contract. They work with the Bargaining Committee to master-plan organizing across stores.


To join CAT, you need to be appointed by your store's OC.

Shop Stewards

Shop Stewards are legal equals to management who are responsible for representing members in disciplinary meetings and enforcing members' rights.


Stewards are trained and sworn in by the grievance committee, and have a legal responsibility to serve their fellow members fairly.

Become a shop steward! Attend Steward Training.

Grievance Committee

Co-Chairs: Alex Gage (AL) and Brian Berry (AL)


The Grievances committee is responsible for training and appointing shop stewards. The committee enforces workers' rights through legal action. They will also oversee contract enforcement when a collective bargaining agreement is reached.


Communications Committtee

The communications committee is responsible for the website, social media, newsletter, and press relations. We respond to requests from other union committees and meet every month to review our work.

Volunteer your writing, design, or communications skills.

Email to apply.

Rules Committee

The rules committee reviews the union's bylaws and suggests changes. The ongoing bylaws review will be completed by mid September.


The committee members are: Kyan Furlong, Cody Frost, Alek-Marion Herl, Ethan Mark Harrison, and Hans Heintze.

Bargaining Committee

Co-Chairs: Ava Robins (CC), Ethan Mark Harrison (WM)


The bargaining committee negotiates a collective bargaining agreement with the company. They attend bargaining sessions and preparatory meetings, draft contract language, and solicit feedback on bargaining demands.

Steering Committee

Co Chairs: Janet Shek (GP) and Ava Robbins (CC)


The Steering Committee (SC) runs the day-to-day business of the union and makes some decisions on behalf of the membership. It consists of 6 at-large officers and 2 chapter representatives per store. Members must be rank-and-file New Seasons workers and are elected at the end of each year for a one-year term.